Sights of Veliky Ustyug – how to spend a weekend and what to see in the city

The small but pretty town of Veliky Ustyug is located in the Vologda region at the source of the Northern Dvina. Thanks to the past and original architecture, the city attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over Russia and the near abroad. People come here to visit the Orthodox churches of the Oprichnina times, marvel at the life of the Russian merchants and marvel at folk crafts. However, the main tourist magnet of the region is Santa Claus. Rumor has it, he has an official residence permit here.


Ustyug was not always great. The history of the settlement goes back to the times of the Rostov-Suzdal princes, but the formation of the city as such is already Vsevolod Yurievich and the beginning of the XIII century. For a hundred years, from the middle of the XVI to the XV century, there was the Ustyug principality, a satellite of first Novgorod, and then Moscow princes. Under Ivan the Terrible, Ustyug moved to the category of oprichn (budget-forming in the present way) cities and became the Great.

In Soviet times, Veliky Ustyug, due to geographical remoteness and largely due to the loss of interest in Orthodox monuments, lost its significance. The tourist project of all-Russian significance “Veliky Ustyug – the birthplace of Santa Claus”, invented and promoted by the restless genius of Yuri Luzhkov, since 1999 again gave a chance to this unusual city.

Patrimony of Santa Claus

If Santa Claus exists, then he must live somewhere and pack gifts! By analogy with the house of Santa Claus at the North Pole, a large-scale project of the Patrimony of Santa Claus was created. It is a game park on the banks of the Sukhoni, surrounded by pine trees and open all year round. The high season falls on the winter period from November 18 (the birthday of Santa Claus) to the beginning of March. And winter in Veliky Ustyug is really gorgeous, as with a New Year’s card: snowy, frosty, clear.

On the territory of the Fiefdom:

  • Path of fairy tales with game installations, dressed up and attractions;
  • House of Santa Claus – wooden tower-museum;
  • mail of Santa Claus, where letters from 112 countries of the world come;
  • forge – a museum of blacksmithing, where you can see a real bugle and watch the forging;
  • carpentry workshop, which employs a woodcarver;
  • glacier – museum of sculpture made of ice;
  • winter garden – a greenhouse with a decent collection of tropical exotics;
  • zoo – a branch of the Moscow Zoo;
  • folklore center “Gornitsa” – museum of local lore;
  • forest pharmacy with an assortment of herbs, honeys, berries;
  • rope park and children’s town.

In addition, on the territory you can find everything you need for a tourist from hotels of different levels to souvenir shops and restaurants.

Entrance to the park and for each object is separately paid, the price depends on age.

The patrimony of Santa Claus is a popular commercial destination, especially from Veliky Ustyug to Mardengskoye there is nothing, about 12 kilometers. You can get there by car at coordinates 60.749116, 46.183799. For those arriving on St. Petersburg and Moscow trains, the administrator of the local hotel complex will order a taxi.

Address: Velikoustyugsky district, Mardengskoye village.




Dymkovskaya Sloboda

Veliky Ustyug is a city that is beautiful at any time of the year. All connoisseurs of authentic architecture and urban spirit of the past will be interested to look at dymkovskaya Sloboda – one of the microdistricts of the city. It offers a beautiful view across the Sukhona River from the main square of Veliky Ustyug – Cathedral. In winter, you can walk on the ice, in summer you will have to go around the bridges (about seven kilometers).

It is in Dymkovo that the most ancient temple complexes in the city are located, consecrated by the townspeople even by the time of the campaign to the Kulikovo field in the XIV century. The pride of the settlement is a complex of summer five-domed temple of Dmitry Solunsky and his “assistant”, a one-headed winter temple of Sergius of Radonezh with elements of a fence and a gate. Inside are not allowed, only external inspection is possible.

Residential development of Dymkovskaya Sloboda is the middle of the XVIII century. The private sector with autonomous infrastructure and classic “merchant” facades, once the most prestigious district of the city, is now languishing, but has not lost pride in its historical roots.

Address: Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, Dymkovo


Church of St. Simeon Stolpnik

In the second part of the city there is a remarkable temple – the church of Simeon Stolpnik, built and consecrated in the middle of the XVIII century. This is the only religious building in Veliky Ustyug, which has preserved in its architectural appearance the features of the Western European Baroque. Authentic icons of the temple are kept in museums (local and Tretyakov Gallery).

The temple is partially active, but excursions are not conducted, as it has no historical or cultural value. You can independently visit the service (all the decoration is a remake of the beginning of the XXI century) or inspect the temple from the outside.

Address: Church of Simeon Stolpnik, Engels Street, Veliky Ustyug




Embankment of Veliky Ustyug

From the church of Simeon Stolpnik just need to walk along the embankment of the Sukhoni River. The street of the same year stretches for almost five kilometers and is famous for the fact that it appeared in the city first, long before all the churches and courtyards. On it are the main architectural monuments of the city, for which it is worth visiting. If there is little time for excursions, you can limit yourself to a walk along the coast.

According to reviews, the embankment is stunningly beautiful in winter. But going for a walk, you need to remember: the average temperature from December to March is twice lower than Moscow and confidently approaching 15 degrees celsius. In recent years, critical records have been recorded.


Church of the Presentation of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

Previously, churches were built as gratitude or zarok – so it was with the Sretensky Church in honor of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. The Ustyug community erected a cold five-domed temple for common money in honor of the bloody victory over the Kazan Tatars in 1446, long before the campaigns of Grozny.

Naturally, the first building was wooden. The construction of the stone was financed by the Moscow merchant Shilovtsev almost 250 years later. Thanks to obviously controversial and confusing plans, the appearance of the Church of the Presentation of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God turned out to be extraordinary and memorable – with nine rounded apses (there were three altars in the temple).

In the first years of Soviet power, the temple was ruined and replanned, and then used as a club and public building. In 1995, the church was renamed Sretensko-Myrrh-Bearers and after the debate was entered in the federal register. Now the temple is in disrepair, inside is not allowed.

Address: Veliky Ustyug, Vodnikov street.

Church of the Myrrh-Bearing Wives

Part of the Sretensko-Myronositsky complex, the warm tented church of the Myrrh-Bearing Women was built near the Church of the Presentation of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God approximately in 1566. After the fire, it was rebuilt already in Peter’s times with the money of the merchant Khudyakov. Since the 30s of the XX century permanently closed, abandoned and the temple, as such, is not considered.

In the late 90’s in the building opened a stunning Museum of New Year’s toys. There is a permanent exhibition, there are thematic exhibitions. You can sign up for master classes and interactive training seminars.

Address: Veliky Ustyug, sq. Communes, 7.


Church of the Miracle of the Archangel Michael in Honeh

The only temple preserved on the territory of the oldest building of Veliky Ustyug – Gorodishche, is the repeatedly rebuilt warm church of the Miracle of the Archangel Michael (Mikhailov’s miracle among the people). It is dated 1630, when in the Hundredth Book it was recorded as a warm chapel in the name of the Miracle of the Archangel Michael in Honekh at the cathedral church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin, but the current one-story stone building was completed in 1888.

The temple is not operating, it does not belong to the ROC. Since the 60s of the XX century, it has been protected by the state, which cannot find money for restoration. It is impossible to go inside the church, only an external inspection is possible.

Address: Veliky Ustyug, Gorodishche str., 7

Church of St. Nicholas of Gostun

This is interesting: Nicholas (Nikola) Gostunsky is not some unknown Ustyug saint. Despite the unusual sound of the modern ear, “Gostunsky” means living room, for guests. The second name of the temple is Nicholas Gostinsky.

The temple was laid at the end of the XVII century near the central shopping area, where guests, that is, merchants from other cities and regions, visited seasonal fairs. Thus, the unifying role of the Orthodox Church in the Russian North was manifested – to meet and welcome guests (merchants), thus expanding trade ties.

In Soviet times, the respected temple was openly mocked, organizing a sawmill inside. In 1986, a superficial restoration was carried out and the Museum of Ethnography was opened in the former temple. It is still actively functioning, arranging interactive classes for children and seasonal exhibitions. On two floors of the temple there is a permanent exhibition.

Address: V.Ustyug, Naberezhnaya str., 66


Museum of Nature of the region

Behind the square with a monument to Lenin begins the complex of the Velikoustyugsky Museum-Reserve, which is located in the former estate of G.V. Usov. Here, not far from the manor house, in the wing there is the Museum of Nature of the region, dedicated to animals, birds, plants of the middle taiga.

The permanent exhibition of the museum is small, but quite interesting, especially for children. Presented workshops of taxidermists, beautiful panoramas and with great pedagogical talent sculpted active corners. Interactive excursions are created excitingly and competently, so they will appeal even to those children who are difficult to tear away from the phone.

A separate pride of the museum is the paleontological hall with fossil animals of the region (perfectly preserved tusks and skulls of mammoths are exhibited) and the exposition “Russian Birch”.

The museum conducts master classes on painting, crowding and carving on birch bark, as well as weaving lace on whooping coughs. Closer to the New Year, children’s classes about spruces, their history and biology are held.

Excursions and workshops must be booked in advance.

Address: V.Ustyug, Naberezhnaya str., 65


Estate of G. V. Usov

On the embankment of Veliky Ustyug there is a strict two-story stone mansion in the style of classicism. It was built by a complex and ambiguous person – a merchant of the 2nd guild Grigory Vasilyevich Usov, who was the mayor for 14 years, was remembered not only for good deeds, but also for his vexatiousness, extortion, grumpy character.

After the death of the merchant, the mansion went to the heirs, and they resold it to the city treasury. Since 1866, the Estate of Usov has served for the benefit of Veliky Ustyug as a place of presence. Its walls saw the city government, the land administration, the food committee. In the 30s of the XX century, the house was transferred to the museum. Now there is the administration and the main halls (a total of 120 thousand items) of the Velikoustyugsky Museum-Reserve.

For many years in the service of the city administration, the internal layout of the main house has changed radically, but the facade remained almost the same as under Grigory Vasilyevich.

In addition to the main house, on the territory of the estate there is a wing sustained with it in a single architectural key, there is now the Museum of Nature of the region. Previously, there were outbuildings, but dilapidated and were dismantled.

Address: Naberezhnaya str., 64


The estate of M. T. Fedoseyev or Zakharov?

Next to the famous house of Usov is no less famous house of another merchant – only whom, local historians are still arguing: Fedoseyev or Zakharov? – the question about which dissertations are written. It is known for sure that the squeaky and fickle Usov did not find a common language with his neighbor, at best he maintained the state of the Cold War.

The estate is built in the style of mature classicism, is an ideal example of a city estate of the middle of the XIX century, architecturally and historically is of greater value than the house of Usov. However, the ensemble is in a neglected state. Inside, the main house is divided into communal apartments, people still live there. You can inspect the building only from the outside.

Address: Naberezhnaya str., 61,62,63

Cathedral Court

The main operating temple complex of Veliky Ustyug is the Cathedral Courtyard, as well as the main and oldest square of the city. From here you can see and hear everything, this is a place of power, where not only local residents, but also pilgrims from all over the Orthodox world come.

The courtyard includes:

  • Assumption Cathedral – the dominant of the complex;
  • Cathedral bell tower;
  • Prokopyevsk Cathedral;
  • Church of St. John the Righteous.

All churches not closed for restoration can be visited for free, pray, talk to the clergy, venerate the icons. According to reviews, the greatest impression of the courtyard produces on the big annual holidays.

Address: Cathedral Court, Sovetsky Prospekt, Veliky Ustyug

Cathedral of Procopius Ustyugsky

One of the most spectacular architectural pearls of The Great Ustyug – Prokopyevsk Cathedral is named after the defender of the city, the fool Procopius the Righteous (died in 1303, canonized in 1547). It was built in 1668 by the architect Kotelnikov P.D., but was repeatedly supplemented and rebuilt.

The cathedral is managed by the Russian Orthodox Church together with the Velikoustyugsky Museum-Reserve, and this compromise obviously benefited the building: for example, a thorough restoration of the decoration and carved gilded iconostasis was carried out. The cathedral is active, you can get to the service, venere the myrrh-streaming icon of the Annunciation. It is necessary to enter the temple in accordance with the requirements of the Orthodox canons.

Address: Naberezhnaya str., 57. Transport stop “Lunacharsky Street”


Assumption Cathedral

Magnificent in its severity, the majestic Assumption Cathedral knew the times when kings prayed in front of its icons, and in the aisles they contained the famous Our Lady Hodigitria. It is believed that the Assumption Cathedral is the first stone cathedral in the Russian North, its consecration is attributed to the distant XIII century.

Thanks to one of the most famous Ustyuzhans – Archpriest Alenev – the cathedral has a mural and an iconostasis. Most of the icons and paintings the priest wrote personally.

The cathedral operated for several years after the October Revolution, in 1923 the ministers were arrested and expelled, and the temple was closed. The cathedral avoided the fate of becoming a stable or barn, but, nevertheless, during the years of Soviet power it was significantly dilapidated. At the end of the XX century, a large-scale restoration began, which alternately continues today. The cathedral is partially active, but you can not get inside. In summer, it is allowed to climb the cathedral bell tower, it offers a view of the city and the river.

Address: Address: V. Ustyug, Sovetsky Ave., 81.


Cathedral of St. John ustyugsky

On the Cathedral Court there is also the Cathedral of the Origin of the Honest Trees of the Cross of the Lord, in the common people of John Ustyugsky, built in the middle of the XVII century with the money of donors.

The temple is dedicated to the Ustyug ascetic, the fool John, who lived, was persecuted and healed local residents in the XV century. The church is active, it holds services according to the church calendar.

Address: V.Ustyug, Naberezhnaya str., 56.


Epiphany Church

The Church of the Epiphany (in the common people Vlyasevskaya Church) was built at the end of the XVII century for divine services in the cold season. The church has never been pompous and has not become better over the years: its modesty, unassuming architecture and decoration do not attract tourists. And in vain, it was the Vvasyevskaya Church that was preserved better than other churches on the Cathedral Courtyard.

In the building of the former temple is the Small Hall of the main museum of the city. Various exhibitions are organized here. Closer to the New Year, the traditional event “Stars of the Christmas Glow” opens in an interactive form.

Address: V.Ustyug, Naberezhnaya str., 55.


Bank Branch House

Across the street from the Cathedral Square is a house in the style of classicism familiar to Veliky Ustyug – this is the house of the former Bank Office, in which the chairman of the county zemstvo council Popov lived in the XIX century. After its rotation and a big flood, the building was acquired by the state bank.

Next to Popov’s house is the building of the Zakharovskaya almshouse (there is still a neurological department). Merchants in Veliky Ustyug lived prosperously, owned crafts, were quite cunning and dexterous even according to contemporaries. Zakharov stood out for his wealth even against the background of his comrades, owned real estate on the main street. During his lifetime, he was engaged in charity, donated to schools, orphans and wretched.

Address: V. Ustyug, Naberezhnaya str., 54.

Church of Elijah the Prophet

Behind the civil buildings on the Street Embankment again stands a temple, this time not operating – St. Elias Church, known for its dramatic history. For the first time the wooden temple was remembered in 1630, but it is known that the construction of the stone one lasted even more than a hundred years. According to eyewitnesses, at that time there were ancient miraculous icons in the temple, which were soon taken out.

The church existed before the October Revolution, had a stable parish. In 1930, workers broke the bells, destroyed the dome, broke and burned the iconostasis and temple books. Until 1974, the building of the crippled church was destroyed. Despite the status of a monument of federal significance, restoration work is not carried out. The church makes a depressing impression, is destroyed, homeless animals have found shelter inside.

Address: V. Ustyug, Naberezhnaya str., 49

Glory Square

On the embankment behind the Elijah Church there is a small square and Glory Square, dedicated to the Ustyuzhans who died in the Great Patriotic War. Here, on the central alley, there is a monument of Glory (opened on June 15, 1981), near which concerts and events dedicated to the Victory are held.

In the park there are also other memorial signs – Ustyuzhans who died in local wars, border guards, soldiers’ widows.

Estate of M. M. Buldakov

The seemingly unpretentious pedagogical college is actually a noble estate of the XIX century, built by the best architects of their time in the Empire style, popular before the war with Napoleon, one of the most interesting monuments of provincial historical and architectural culture in the region.

A huge rectangular building, two wings, an ensemble with a gate and a fence was built for himself and his family as a “family house” by a rich merchant Mikhail Matveevich Buldakov, one of the most famous pioneers of the northern lands. Since 1818, the estate had a park, greenhouses, gazebos and altankas. As a squeak of the capital’s fashion, artificial reservoirs were dug up.

50 years after the death of Buldakov, having migrated through several hands, the estate fell into the city’s possession. Just a year later, a men’s gymnasium was opened in the building. After the revolution, the Bolsheviks decided not to depart from tradition and also gave the estate for educational institutions.

You can enter the territory of the educational institution by agreement with the administration.

Address: V. Ustyug, Naberezhnaya str., 45, 46, 47.

College website:

Leontief Church

On the embankment, where there used to be a farm Leontievsky, in the first half of the XVIII century, two churches were built – cold in honor of Leonty of Rostov and warm Saints Flora and Laurus. Warm sunk into oblivion, and cold, Leontief, the Bolsheviks used for workshops for the repair of equipment. In 1960, the church was recognized as a monument of regional importance, and in 2013 it was transferred to the ROC. Now the temple is being restored, mainly at the expense of the community. In parallel, services are held in the church, in 2018 the thrones of the lower temple were consecrated.

Address: V. Ustyug, Naberezhnaya str., 45

Depository of the Museum-Reserve

Turning to Sovetsky Prospekt and passing by Buldakov Park, you can admire the mansions of the XIX century, many of which are still used in the housing stock. For example, the depository – open to the public storage of the funds of the Museum-Reserve – is also located in such a mansion.

The Depository periodically holds interesting mini-exhibitions. The schedule should be specified in advance.

Address: V. Ustyug, Sovetsky prospect, 58.


House of merchant D. V. Alenev (Children’s Museum Center)

The Aleni family is one of the most important and significant in the history of Veliky Ustyug. Among its representatives are merchants, icon painters, teachers, educators, explorers. The Aleniews’ house is an imitation of the capital’s style, U-shaped, with a rounded front part, richly decorated and complemented by details.

After the death of Alenev, the house passed into the hands of the Popov and Chabaevski families, so in local history notes often bear complex names. After the revolution, the building housed administrative and educational bodies.

Now in the house of the Alenyevs since 2014 there is a Children’s Museum Center: Veliky Ustyug is generally very friendly to children, so this institution is a must visit.

Teachers of the center conduct artistic, natural science and educational master classes. The center has a program for children with disabilities.

Address: V. Ustyug, Sovetsky prospect, 60


City residence of Santa Claus

Modern Santa Claus is a large landowner. In addition to the Patrimony in the village of Mardengskoye, the winter wizard has a good mansion in the center of Veliky Ustyug.

For children there is a lot of useful entertainment:

  • tours;
  • handicraft master classes in the “Center for Children’s Fantasies”;
  • dances, songs and meeting with the assistants of Santa Claus.

Adults will be pleased with a café and a souvenir shop with many original and unusual goods that cannot be bought elsewhere.

Address: Oktyabrsky lane, 1A


Mail of Santa Claus

Next to the city house of Santa Claus is his city post office. Of course, if the wizard goes to Veliky Ustyug, then letters from children and adults from all over the world may not get to the addressee! Therefore, the wise Santa Claus provided for everything.

In addition, in the post office you can buy souvenirs, as well as participate in the creative process and create a unique New Year’s card.

Address: Mail of Santa Claus, Oktyabrsky lane 1a, Veliky Ustyug




House M. I. Okhlopkova

Further into the depths of Veliky Ustyug is a two-storey house of the merchant Okhlopkov, a characteristic example of wooden architecture – on the first floor there was a shop, on the second the merchant’s family lived comfortably. Rumor has it that it was in this house that the retinue of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich stayed in 1886.

At the very beginning of the XX century, Okhlopkov sold fabrics and manufactured goods, on which he had good money. In connection with the boots, the merchant’s family fled abroad.

After the revolution, the house was inhabited by workers, and several families still live in it. The house belongs to the monuments of civil architecture of the XIX century.

Address: Krasnaya str., 96

Estates of N. V. Kostrov and V. I. Kostrov

In addition to Orthodox shrines on the territory of Veliky Ustyug, there are many memorabouts of the merchant past of the Russian North. In the end, it was the merchants who developed the inhospitable land, built cities, laid markets and schools, financed temples.

The Kostrov family is an old Ustyuzhan dynasty and a very popular surname in the region. Rich merchants, they were engaged in charity a lot and with their hearts, they were often chosen as elders at temples. Vasily Ivanovich dreamed of steamships on the Northern Dvina, but his son Nikolai Vasilyevich fulfilled his dream.

In the estate of his son, N.V. Kostrov is now the city administration, its inspection is difficult. In the house of his father, Vasily Ivanovich, there is a souvenir shop. The building is dilapidated and the owner does not monitor his condition.

Address: Sovetsky prosp.74

Museum of Glass Bottles

A small but interesting private Museum of glass bottles needs the attention of tourists and it is a pity that only the most patient reach it. The founder of the museum, Kokovin A.S. began its collection as a child, and now it boasts more than six hundred amazing exhibits.

Pharmacy bubbles, unique crystal bottles for perfumery, bottles of alcoholic beverages of tsarist times – the collection will impress even a jaded metropolitan resident.

Address: V.Ustyug, Sovetsky Ave., 121

House of merchant P. A. Azov

First, an artisan who was engaged in the production of bristles, and then the richest merchant, the merchant Azov built a mansion in the early XIX century. After his death, the heirs sold the building, and before the revolution it housed a bristle sorting factory.

After the revolution, a library was placed in the building. Until [y], the empty and dilapidated building was sold for 210 thousand rubles to a private person. The house can be viewed by walking along the avenue, but it is in poor condition and does not represent anything interesting.

Address: Sovetsky prospekt, 131-135.

House of Merchants Zhilin

Now an apartment building and a cultural object of federal significance, the Zhilin mansion was built in the XIX century with money received from the silk and cloth trade. The two-storey building with a balcony and a fence is a classic example of a merchant house of the corresponding period.

Address: Sovetsky 5,137

House of Merchants Chebaevsky

Built in 1889, the sturdy stone house was used simultaneously as a residential, family and commercial space. There were warehouses in the outbuildings. Now the building houses the police station in the Velikoustyugsky district.

Address: Sovetsky prospect, 60

Ascension Church

The most elegant church of the Great Ustyug – Ascension – was built in 1648 with the money of the merchant Revyakin. The composition of the temple attracts attention with eclecticism and unusual combinations of decorative elements. The church has a surprisingly rich interior decoration, and the presence of signature icons made it possible to date the temple with an accuracy of up to a year. A lot of small details are fascinating, and you can consider the design of the church for hours.

Now in the building of the former church is the Museum of Ancient Russian Art. There are expositions dedicated to the spiritual culture of the region and church creativity (icon painting, sculpture and carving).

Address: Sovetsky prospect, 84


Mansion of navigator V.I.Shilov

Be sure to see the amazing mansion, which stands out against the background of its own kind – the house of the discoverer of the Aleutian Islands, the famous sailor Vasily Shilov. Probably, the mansion was built not by the merchant himself, but by the previous owner, a retired officer of Elizabethan times, hence the interesting style for Veliky Ustyug – Elizabethan pseudo-Barococo.

After the revolution – apparently in honor of the former owner – the house had various administrative services related to shipping. After the war, an orphanage for street children and orphans was opened in the mansion.

Now on the territory of the farmstead there is a kindergarten. Entrance to outsiders from the street is prohibited. Photography is not allowed.

Address: Shilova st., 6 – 10.


House of merchant G. F. Zakharov

The mansion of the merchant of the I guild Grigory Fyodorovich Zakharov was built in 1772 from brick – an incredible luxury for those times. Over the centuries of its existence, the house has outlived many owners, but now, despite the status of an architectural monument, it does not look the best way. For the current year, the city budget includes money for the restoration of the facade.

At the moment, the building has been home to an art school for more than 50 years.

Address: Shilova str., 9

Church of St. Anthony and Theodosius of the Caves

A monument of architecture and spiritual culture of the region, the cold church of Anthony and Theodosius of the Caves was built in 1703 at the expense of a private person, a parishioner Protodyakonov. The church is not distinguished by architectural features of the pillarless cubic structure fully corresponds to local cult traditions.

The concept of the temple should not be considered separately, it is historically and architecturally connected with the Grigorievskaya Church.

In Soviet times, the temple was used for workshops, warehouses and a shop. Now there is a reconstruction. The Church of St. Anthony and Theodosius of the Caves is consecrated, and services are held there.

Church of the Great Martyr George

The full name of the temple is in the name of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious and the pious princes Boris and Gleb. The cold stone church was built in 1649 and blessed in 1695. It is known that originally planned a tin roof and eight bells, weighing a total of 37 pounds and 25 pounds.

Address: Shilova str., 13.

Plant “Northern Black”

Veliky Ustyug is famous not only for temples, merchants and Santa Claus: although folk crafts fade against the background of these attractions, they are no less important. Velikoustyug blackening on silver is a unique craft, which has no analogues anywhere in Russia.

The development of folk craft was with the strengthening of trade and the role of merchants who wanted to sell unusual little things (souvenirs). Despite the fact that blackening has been developing in the North since the X century, in Veliky Ustyug it reached unusual heights. Since the middle of the XVII century, local masters bypassed Moscow and Vladimir, starting to produce more elegant and complex products.

The essence of the technology:

  • on a silver product make a relief (embossing);
  • other metals (copper, lead, silver) are deposited on the pattern.

Ustyug products are characterized by a complex pattern, embossed parts, a decrease in detail. Use more saturated colors.

At the plant there is a shop where you can choose from a huge assortment of products in the technique of northern black and buy at very attractive prices.

Address: Severnaya Chern, A. Uglovsky Street, Veliky Ustyug




House R. Y. Gartvana

A charming example of wooden Ustyuzhan architecture is the house in which the great Russian mining engineer Reinhold Yakovlevich Gartvan served a political expulsion. A wooden one-story building with a mezzanine was built in 1857, but Gartwan, who arrived in 1911, made the finish to his liking, with panels and decorations.

After the revolution in the tax administration, children’s clinic, physiotherapy room and even the registry office and passport office!

Until [y], there was a kindergarten No. 9 in the house. Now the children have been resettled, the building needs urgent overhaul.

Address: Krasnaya str., 140.

House of merchant A. I. Nogutkova

Unique for Veliky Ustyug mansion – wooden, with columns, but in the style of classicism. This house, built in the first half of the XIX century, may seem cheerful, if not for its history.

After the revolution, seconded commissars and investigators lived in it for some time, and since the 1930s, the “Nogitkovsky” mansion was given to the radio unit. Communist owners took little care of the unique details of the interior, especially the stove with tile, so by the middle of the XX century the authentic interior decoration was lost.

At the turn of the present century, the house passed to private owners, who carried out extensive repairs, only partially preserving the appearance of the old building.

Address: Krasnaya, 103

Trinity-Gledensky Monastery

At some distance from Veliky Ustyug there is a monastery on the site of the ancient village of Gleden. Since the beginning of the last century, it does not operate, and since the 80s it belongs to the main museum complex of the region.

The monastery began as a male monastery and probably goes back to the XIII century. In 1841 it was repurposed into a women’s one, but did not survive the invasion of the Bolsheviks.

The Trinity-Gledensky Monastery is famous, first of all, for the stunning beauty of the iconostasis. Despite the fact that they were almost destroyed in Soviet times, museum workers managed to restore them almost completely.

Address: Vologda region, Velikoustyugsky district, Morozovitsa village, Tsentralnaya str., 122


Factory “Velikoustyug patterns”

The tiny factory, created to popularize rare folk crafts in 1972, is definitely worth a visit. First, it does not look like a production, rather resembles a museum. Secondly, there are enthusiastic people who know more about birch bark, carvings and paintings than one could imagine.

The factory specializes in Shemogodsky carved birch bark, produces hundreds of items of goods. On its territory there is a birch bark museum, a library, competitions, fairs and other events. There is a souvenir shop with a rich assortment.

Address: V.Ustyug, Naberezhnaya str., 1


Mikhailo-Arkhangelsky Monastery

One of the oldest chrome complexes of Veliky Ustyug, the same age as the beginning of the development of the city, is the abolished male Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Monastery. It dates back to 1212 (they say the first stone was laid by the legendary monk Cyprian). True, the preserved stone buildings are much younger, they were rebuilt on the fire in the middle of the XVII century.

Behind the stone fence is the complex of the monastery, which includes several spectacular temples:

  • Church of the Introduction (next to it refectory);
  • Vladimir Gate Church (1682);
  • Church of pentecost (above the crypt of Cyprian);
  • chapels of Ustyug saints Procopius and John.

On the territory there are outbuildings and houses for the brethren and abbots (everything belongs to the XVIII century, but looks authentic).

Dominates the architectural composition luxurious even in modern times, the five-domed Mykhailo-Akhangelsk Cathedral. Excursions are held at the open temples of the complex.

Address: V.Ustyug, Pavel Pokrovsky str., 13.


Veliky Ustyug is an open-air museum city, stunning, impressive, amazing. It is worth coming here to see… Moscow, what it could have been if it had not become the capital, but not only. Veliky Ustyug breathes the history of real Russia – cold, rich and unhurried. With each of its bricks, the city tells about the development of the North and its riches, about floods and frosts, about a long snowy winter, furs, lingonberries, spruces. Veliky Ustyug calls not to forget about the true heroes of the North – Russian merchants, to remember that their unbending character and ox strength to pull veins is part of the spirit that gave the world Lomonosov and Pushkin, Gagarin and Sharapova, Sakharov and Kalashnikov.

Attractions Veliky Ustyug on map