An introvert’s dream, the Frane Pen Tauver Mini Hotel.

It’s only a few steps from an old dysfunctional detached lighthouse to a super startup.

Location and infrastructure

The unique hotel is located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. “Frayn Pen Tauver” (English original name – “Frying Pan Tower”) is located at a distance of 35 miles from the coast of North Carolina, and around only the water space and its inhabitants, including sharks.

Room stock

Prominent publications such as Time and CNN have already written about the site; the lighthouse has received fairly positive reviews from critics. The quaint hotel has 8 bedrooms with all amenities, a kitchen, a barbecue area and a room for staff. Up to 12 guests can stay here at the same time.

History of the origin of the hotel

The story of the site’s restoration began in 2010, when American programmer Richard Neal won a state auction and purchased the property for $85,000. Becoming the owner of a rusty iron in the middle of the ocean, which has long been out of order, Richard himself, with the help of family and friends, converted the lighthouse into a mini-hotel in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

A perfect residence for an introvert, as it is only possible to get here by helicopter or water transport. But that’s not all, to climb the tall structure, you will need to overcome about 30 meters of stairs or a lift.

Entertainment and hotel services

For those with a fear of water and heights, there is a 24-hour live feed from the tower. The video clearly shows the surrounding vast expanse of sky and the occasionally raging ocean that meets the skyline. This lighthouse is constantly hit by massive hurricanes and is also located in a dangerous part of the ocean. Sailors amongst themselves call the area the graveyard of the Atlantic Ocean. In 1694 this structure had an important role, its light warned ships of shallow water. However, today all ships are equipped with modern technologies and are well navigated in the water, so the lighthouse lost its purpose. That’s why he spent several decades all alone, meeting sunsets and sunrises on the horizon.

The ocean at Frain Pen Tauver is only 15m deep, but guests at the hotel have the opportunity to see a variety of marine animals: sharks, rays, a variety of fish, lobsters, octopuses and others while diving. Recreation doesn’t stop there: jumping in the water, jet-skiing around the tower and even riding a unicycle, if you know how, of course. In addition, you can try to play golf with special balls, which, falling into the water, become food for fish. At night you can observe a large number of stars here without any obstacles, thanks to the lack of pollution of the firmament. Plus, there’s even internet here, though it’s unlikely that your parcel from the online store will get delivered to the ocean.


Veronika Samsonova

Be travelers, not tourists. Try new things, meet new people, and go beyond what's right in front of your nose. These are the keys to understanding this amazing world we live in. (c) Andrew Zimmern